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Value Preserving Foundation


The Üzleti ÉrtékMegőrző Közhasznú Alapítvány (Business Value Preserving Charitable Foundation) (ÉrMe Alapítvány) is the main supervising and guiding body of the ÉrMe Üzleti Hálózat (ÉrMe Business Network).


The Üzleti ÉrtékMegőrző Közhasznú Alapítvány has a dual purpose, a practical and theoretical one:


The theoretical purpose of the foundation is to achieve and continuously develop the idealism of the ÉrMe. (The ÉrMe idealism aims to answer a fundamental question, how is it possible to participate in the business successfully and efficiently with the Christian values and national engagement)


The practical purpose of the foundation is to operate and supervise the practical implementation of the ÉrMe idealism within the ideal framework at all times ( e.g. the organizations of the ÉrMe and the development of those).


The main tasks and responsibilities of the foundation defined in its Statutes:


Establish and operate the think tanks of the development of the ÉrMe idealism.


Regulate and monitor the use of the name ÉrMe (registered trademark: Hungarian Patent Office M0601887).


Organize or have regular meeting occasions arranged under the name ÉrMe Klub (ÉrMe Club) for the interested parties and those individuals or organizations who want to find out more about the ÉrMe idealism.


Provide ideological, moral and financial support for the organizations, movements and initiatives operating in line with the ÉrMe idealism or working to distribute and develop the ÉrMe idealism.


Chairman of the Foundation Board of Trustees Tóth József (


Members of the Board of Trustees:

Hadi Péter
Völgyi Dénes


Foundation data:

The official name of the foundation: Üzleti ÉrtékMegőrző Közhasznú Alapítvány
Postal address: 1038 Budapest, Ibolya u. 11.
Bank account number: CIB BANK 10700495-44118103-51100005



The Üzleti ÉrtékMegőrző Közhasznú Alapítvány (Business Value Preserving Charitable Foundation) (ÉrMe Alapítvány) is the main supervising and guiding body of the ÉrMe Üzleti Hálózat.


The Üzleti ÉrtékMegőrző Közhasznú Alapítvány has a dual purpose, a practical and theoretical one:


The theoretical purpose of the foundation is to achieve and continuously develop the idealism of the ÉrMe. (The ÉrMe idealism aims to answer a fundamental question, how is it possible to participate in the business successfully and efficiently with the Christian values and national engagement)


The practical purpose of the foundation is to operate and supervise the practical implementation of the ÉrMe idealism within the ideal framework at all times ( e.g. the organizations of the ÉrMe and the development of those).


The main tasks and responsibilities of the foundation defined in its Statutes:


Establish and operate the think tanks of the development of the ÉrMe idealism.


Regulate and monitor the use of the name ÉrMe (registered trademark: Hungarian Patent Office M0601887).


Organize or have regular meeting occasions arranged under the name ÉrMe Klub (ÉrMe Club) for the interested parties and those individuals or organizations who want to find out more about the ÉrMe idealism.


Provide ideological, moral and financial support for the organizations, movements and initiatives operating in line with the ÉrMe idealism or working to distribute and develop the ÉrMe idealism.


Chairman of the Foundation Board of Trustees Tóth József (


Members of the Board of Trustees:


Hadi Péter

Völgyi Dénes


Foundation data:


The official name of the foundation: Üzleti ÉrtékMegőrző Közhasznú Alapítvány

Postal address: 1038 Budapest, Ibolya u. 11.

Bank account number: CIB BANK 10700495-44118103-51100005


Exclusive publication introducing the ÉrMe Business Network


The digital version can be downloaded from our website.


ÉrMe Library 


Recommended readings for Christian entrepreneurs and company leaders (in Hungarian).


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