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Social Responsibility


"ÉrMe Club was set up with a view to establish a network amongst businessmen and organisations that have determined to reconcile their participation in business life with basic Christian and Hungarian values and for whom success is not the sole purpose of business as they have also decided to create a financial background for their solidarity with the most vulnerable in their local and wider environment." (Quoted from ÉrMe Statute)





Churches have answer for the social issues and problems – this is what this large-scale charity event wants to draw everyone's attention to. The Catholic Social Days was first held in the Múzeumkert in Budapest in September 2013, with the support of the Catholic Episcopacy. The key message of the series of events which later expanded nationwide is that the principles related to the common good and the functioning of a society are not only formulated in church documents or between the walls of a church, but Christians undertake a fundamental role in the practical implementation as well. The quiet work of Christians for our fellow men is ongoing in our country in a thousand different places: for the people in need, for the sick, the elderly and for the children.  The purpose of the Katolikus Társadalmi Napok ("Kattárs") is to make this visible for everyone and invite them to think and act together and also to spend a great time together. That is why the slogan of the event is: "We are Partners!"


The Kattárs events are organized by the ÉrMe Üzleti Hálózat on behalf of the Caritas in Veritate Bizottság. The intellectual content of the program is provided by the organizers of the "Keresztény társadalmi elvek a gazdaságban" (Christian Social Principles in Economy) training (Keteg).



Budapest, Sept 20-21, 2013


Related information:



High media coverage of the Katolikus Társadalmi Napok >>


The Katolikus Társadalmi Napok is a bigger success than expected >>


The website of the Katolikus Társadalmi Napok (Catholic Social Days) has been launched >>


The Katolikus Társadalmi Napok (Catholic Social Day) in September is organized by the ÉrMe Business Network >>



Miskolc, Sept 13, 2014


Related information:


The Katolikus Társadalmi Napok (Catholic Social Days) will move to Miskolc on the 13th of Sept >>






The most significant event of the social responsibilities of the ÉrMe Üzleti Hálózat is the charity auction held during Advent of each year. When selecting the goals that they will support, the fundamental aspect is to support a case that has a live, operating community permanently working on it.



Auction - Dec, 2013.


Statement on the auction >>


Supported goals:

  • The support of the church building, community building work - in the small villages of Somogy County - of the SJP monastic community
  • The support of the Szövetség az Életért (Alliance for Life) camp, where children in need from different lands of the Carpathian Basin can have a fun summer experience and experience the power of a community
  • The support of the EgyÚton Zarándoknap (Pilgrim Day) - a one-day pilgrimage undertaken at each section of the Mária út at the same time, for a common goal (for the Families, on the 16th of August 2014)
  • The support of the Életünk a Család! Nonprofit Kft. (Family is our life!) - the goal of the company is to prepare young people for the starting of a family and the circumstances of family life.

Detailed description of the supported goals >>



Statements on the implementation of the supported goals:


The most important thing for young people is to think about family >>

"Work always elicits appreciation" >>


The 1Úton Pilgrim Day became the second largest religious event in the Carpathian Basin >>


Love package – for the road >>




Auction – Dec, 2012:


Statement on the auction >>


Supported goals:

  • "Alliance for Life" camp for children in need
  • Emmausz College – the place for the encounter of a lifetime in the Southland
  • A community building in Göd
  • Dobogó Playground in Páty – with the power of a community


Detailed description of the supported goals >>



Statements on the implementation of the supported goals:


Emmausz College – the place for the encounter of a lifetime in the Southland >>


The Rumi Tamás Közösségi ház (Community Center) is built in Felsőgöd>>


Alliance for Life - Recharging our spiritual batteries, strengthening our Hungarianism >>




Auction - Dec, 2011:


Supported goals:

  • Community Job Fair
  • For those who have no place in this world – helping terminally ill babies, their mothers and families
  • Personal help for rural families living in extreme poverty
  • The wrought iron gate of the church built in Páty


Detailed description of the supported goals >>


Statements on the implementation of the supported goals:


Community Job Fair >>


For those who have no place in this world – helping terminally ill babies, their mothers and families >>


Personal help for rural families living in extreme poverty >>







Christians were the pioneers of the Eastern European political change >>


We supported the Ungvár (Uzhgorod) Hungarian university students to visit a theatre in Budapest >>


The Economics of Happiness Conference – the presentations can be viewed here >>


The Vocation of the Business Leader, released by the Vatican is available in Hungarian language as well >>


We held class meetings in Hatvan >>


They helped where it was really needed – The cooperation of Érme and Maltese helped the KIK clothing donation arrive to Nagymaros >>


The roof was saved by the ÉrMe club of professionals - Helping a Páty family in need >>


An ÉrMe sapling stands tall in Hűvösvölgy - The participants of the ÉrMe Környezettudatossági Nap (ÉrMe Environmental Awareness Day) were picking up trash and listened to a presentation >>





Exclusive publication introducing the ÉrMe Business Network


The digital version can be downloaded from our website.


ÉrMe Library 


Recommended readings for Christian entrepreneurs and company leaders (in Hungarian).


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